

陈银娟 博士

实验室:色质谱及化学反应优化实验室 Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry and Chemical Reaction Optimization Laboratory

职位:高级技术员 Senior Scientist

  • 陈银娟博士2016年毕业于复旦大学,研究方向为质谱仪器研发与方法应用,而后在同济大学化工学院进行两年的博士后研究工作。过去七年里,她的主要研究工作包括依靠氢氘交换质谱法(HDX-MS),离子淌度-飞行时间质谱(IMS-TOF)研究生物小分子、环糊精自组装等非共价复合物离子的空间结构;基于课题组自行设计搭建的飞行时间质谱-红外光解离光谱仪结合量子化学计算研究气相团簇离子的空间结构,此外还开展过常压离子源相关的研发及应用工作。博士及博后期间,陈银娟博士参与科技部重大仪器研发专项3项,与企业合作申请上海市区级科技创新项目2项,以第一作者在Talanta, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys等杂志上发表多篇论文,申请中国发明专利4项,其中1项授权专利。


    2019/07-至今 西湖大学 分子科学公共实验平台 高级技术员

    2016/10-2019/06 同济大学 化学科学与工程学院 博士后


    2012/09-2016/07 复旦大学 化学系 理学博士

    2009/09-2012/07 华东师范大学 化学系 理学硕士

    Brief introduction

    Dr. Chen specializes in compound analysis via HDX MS, time-of-flight mass spectrometry, ion mobility spectroscopy, liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. The relative research articles are published in Talanta, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, Analytical Methods, etc.

    Education Background

    2012-2016 Ph. D Fudan University;

    2009-2012 Master East China Normal University

    Work Experience

    2019-Present, Scientists, Westlake University

    2016-2019 Postdoc Tongji University.

  • 1、负责色质谱仪器的样品测试(定性分析、定量分析、纯化制备)、上机培训(理论培训、实际操作);






    1. Sample analysis (qualitative/quantitative analysis/ compound purification), instrument training

    2. Develop chromatographic/ mass spectrometric method

    3. Maintain the normal operation of all equipments in chromatography and mass spectrometry lab

    4. Assist in the independent research and development of customized equipment


  • 1. ChenY.; Jin, J.; Xin, K.; Yu, W.; Xing X.; Wang, X.; Wang, G. Infrared photodissociation spectroscopic studies of ScO(H2O)n=1–3Ar+ cluster cations: solvation induced reaction of ScO+ and water. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2019, 21, 15639-15646.

    2. Chen Y.; Xin, K.; Jin, J.; Li, W.; Wang, Q.; Xing X.; Wang, X.; Wang, G. Infrared photodissociation spectroscopic investigation of TMO(CO)n+ (TM = Sc, Y, La): testing the 18-electron rule. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2019, 21, 6743-6749.

    3. Chen, Y.; Zuo, Z.; Dai, X.; Xiao, P.; Fang, X.; Wang, X.; Wang, W.; Ding, C. Gas-phase complexation of α-/β-cyclodextrin with amino acids studied by ion mobility-mass spectrometry and molecular dynamics simulations. Talanta. 2018,186,1-7.

    4. Chen, Y.; Xiong, X.; Li, Z.; Jiang, Y.; Fang, Xiang.; Dai, X.; Ding, C. Investigation of protonated and lithiated leucine-enkephalin by hydrogen/deuterium exchange and theoretical calculations. Chin. J. Anal. Chem. 2018, 46, 556-562.

    5. Chen, Y.; Yue, L.; Li, Z.; Ding, X.; Wang, L.; Dai, X.; Fang, X.; Pan, Y.; Ding, C. Investigation of protonated and sodiated leucine-enkephalin by hydrogen–deuterium exchange and theoretical calculations. Anal. Methods, 2015, 7, 5551-5556.

    6. Chen, Y.; Xu, C.; Xu, F.; Yang, K.; Wang, Q.; Zhao, X.; Wang, Y.; Chen, B.; Ding, C. Electro-filtering spray ionization source for soil analysis. Anal. Lett. 2016, 49, 282-289.